Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Pending: Irish Robin

So the month of March doesn't echo like a hollow well, here's a taste of what will hopefully be the next post: Andrea's Robin, from her "Ireland, day 2" post

Andrea is a student from Florida who has been studying abroad; I'll let her provide any additional details. The thrill that I felt when I saw her post was twofold because not only did she get to see and photograph a very cooperative Robin (also European Robin, Erithacus rubecula), it's color banded in addition to the metal band! So even without getting a look at the metal band's numbers, there's a pretty decent chance of tracking this individual. (Kind of like the last full post with the Florida Scrub Jay!)

Hopefully I'll even get some links up for Euring (edit: voila, EURING is now in the sidebar!) so this blog can be less North-American-centric =)

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Travels of a Peregrine

Wildlife Rehabilitation and Education recently posted an entry: The Stories They Could Tell. It's a wonderfully informative blog, this post is of particular interest because it actually tracks a male Peregrine Falcon who had been banded as a wee fledgie in 2007 and ended up in Houston with my "old" rehabber.